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Truestone Financial Services

    Choose from a range of existing portfolios that match your risk appetite:
    Cautious, Moderate, Aggressive.

    Model Portfolios

    Choose from a range of existing portfolios that match your risk appetite:

    • Cautious
    • Moderate
    • Aggressive

    Each portfolio incorporates a varied balance of all major asset classes, so you are well-diversified, but also able to benefit from excellent growth in bull markets, and downside protection in bear markets.

    These portfolios are continually reviewed to ensure they continue to mirror the risk profile our clients have selected in varying market conditions.

    We also offer some more aggressive stock selection portfolios, including the US top 30 and the UK top 30. These portfolios are selected to produce aggressive growth in these selected areas. Stock selection is contingent on the growth potential of the underlying companies based on strict qualitative and quantitative criteria.